I work at the Computational Linguistics group, which is a part of Center for Language and Cognition at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. I use computational models to understand how humans learn their native and non-native languages, and how languages co-exist in the mind and in models. I am affiliated with the broader theme of Humane AI.
Earlier, I worked at the University of Edinburgh: at the Centre for Language Evolution with Jennifer Culbertson, investigating cognitive constraints that shape natural languages, and at the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation, modeling phonetic learning and speech perception in native and non-native speakers, in collaboration with Sharon Goldwater, Naomi Feldman, and Thomas Schatz.
Even earlier, I worked with Suzanne Stevenson at the Computational Linguistics group, University of Toronto, developing models of bilingual color cognition and free word association. And before that, I was a PhD student at TiCC, Tilburg University, supervised by Afra Alishahi and Ad Backus. My thesis was about modeling the acquisition of verb argument structure by bilingual speakers.